Hello everyone!
Well, cruise life is very wonderful... very, very wonderful :)
I have had so much fun swimming, getting a tan, drinking daiquiri's, getting massages, line-dancing with grandma's, zip-lining through real rain forests (as opposed to DisneyWorld rain forests), getting a tan, watching movies and live Big Band, shopping in aDorAbLe little towns, fainting and being rushed to the Med Station, eating some amazing food, getting a tan and missing home :)
We have been doing so much everyday that I am having a hard time staying awake past 9:00... I am starting to make a name for myself on this ship as "the girl who can sleep anywhere." hahaha
I have had so much fun swimming, getting a tan, drinking daiquiri's, getting massages, line-dancing with grandma's, zip-lining through real rain forests (as opposed to DisneyWorld rain forests), getting a tan, watching movies and live Big Band, shopping in aDorAbLe little towns, fainting and being rushed to the Med Station, eating some amazing food, getting a tan and missing home :)
We have been doing so much everyday that I am having a hard time staying awake past 9:00... I am starting to make a name for myself on this ship as "the girl who can sleep anywhere." hahaha

Don't miss me too much, cause I will be home soon! :)