Happy Thanksgiving!

Since next week is Christmas, I figured I should do my Thanksgiving post :)

Actually, this "Thanksgiving post" is motivated by how grateful I am for my family. And I never feel that more then when I am away from them. The last two days I have been home all alone (pleaseplease, grab a tissue. It's such a sob story). My mom left with all my brothers for VegasBaby! My 17-year-old brother Tim and his basketball team have a holiday tournament in Las Vegas, and since my mom is fabulous, she packed up and went to cheer.

So, in the mornings my dad leaves for work and my three sisters depart for school.

And I am left alone to work and sometimes dance to Bruises.

I miss having people around :( I miss them all a lot and I want to see them so bad. I was strictly warned about posting pictures, but I don't care. Family, I love you and miss you and am so, so grateful for you - and this is just the way I say that :)
I'd like to start this post with some Holiday Cute.

Every single year my mom makes us pre-dinner snacks, and we turn on the parade. We allllways have potato chips & dip, shrimp & cocktail sauce and crackers & cheese. Dude set up a little table for her, and made signs - ya know, to alert us when the snack table was "open." When we were finished he put up a "closed" sign. I've run out of ways to say how I love him :D

I want them to come home :(

Aaaaah. The glorious dinner feast of food. Aaaaah.

Another cute Dude moment: When I opened my eyes from praying, this is what I saw:

This isn't all my food, but after this my camera was in danger of getting snacked on, so I had to set it down. I guarantee you every bite was magnificent though. MmmMMmmmm.

I'll end with a sweet Shannon moment. She had been saving this "Thanksgiving Poem" she wrote at school for days. She was so excited to read it to us at dinner - and she also shared with us all the things she was thankful for - all on her own initiative!

What a cute button :D

Come home soon family!!!!!