WPPI Highlights III

Ok, so, you know when you see someone across the room that you kind of know, but you haven't seen in a while?
And then it's awkward when you make eye contact, and know you need to say hi but after it's been too long it almost makes it worse to say hi?

That's been me and my blog.

The end.

More of WPPI! So far I have gone through Jasmine and Jamie, and now I need to catch up on the rest.
Say hello to the Smith family, blog world!
Here is Abby:

She is basically like a porcelain doll come to life.
And America's Next Top Model.

We had some great conversations, lots of laughs and I just love her. And she is an AMAZing photographer. Seriously. Check out her blog.

She's too pretty, sheesh. And has such a sweet, gentle spirit :D I love her so.

Her brothers, Andrew and Adam, are men behind SmithPixels and did some fabulous videos of the trip! I love this one:

Andrew and Adam Smith
Desert.Vegas.Shoot from Andrew PC Smith on Vimeo.