Sarah and Buddy - a wedding in Annapolis, MD

"Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you"

-- elvis presley

Clouds hung heavily and I made my way into Columbia to meet with Sarah, a potential client.  I passed the kids on the carousal and the hungry patrons waiting in line for a pretzel.  Sarah was chilling in Starbucks, and easy to spot.  She smiled in her comfy but cute little outfit and we started talking.

"I'm marrying Santa Elvis!"
Hold ooooon.  Sarah caught me off guard - she was so pulled together, so graceful.  Did she just say Santa Elvis? 
Yep!  That's how she met her man - at a costume party where he was the Jolly King of Rock n' Roll.  "It's a good thing he was cute," she told me "cause we hit it off and I hadn't even seen his face!"

The next time I saw Sarah was on another cloudy day, but instead of being surrounded by shopping bags, strollers and barista's there was a trolley, best friends and a wedding dress.

As soon as we pulled up to Quiet Waters Park, the rain started up again.  Sarah, in her effortlessly classy way, wasn't bothered a bit.  And neither were her gorgeous bff's!

They grabbed the umbrella's, sunk their heels into the dirt and smiled like their was no tomorrow.  Those kind of bridesmaids tell you something about the bride.  Someone who has such kind, understanding, helpful friends must be one of those girls herself.  These ladies were just gems :D

They left the umbrellas behind because I thought the picture would look better!  Oh I heart you ALL!

In the meantime, Sarah just glowed.  I always think my brides are gorgeous (and I'm always right) but I think Sarah had the most "glow" I had ever seen. She just glowed.  That quiet but thrilled emotion that somehow dazzles a bride's face like no make-up can. 

I'm willing to bet that Santa Elvis knew what he was doing when he kept his mask on all night - what guy wants to show this girl his face ;) Wow!  Sarah, you are ridiculous!

Actually, the groom ("Buddy"), looked quite dapper, polished and handsome.  They are a smokin' couple ;D 
The small garden and beautiful music only added to the elegant charm.

Isn't that so pretty?  I'm a fan.

During the ceremony I had an idea to take pictures of people's arms.  Arms totally tell the story of what is happening!

Here we have bridesmaid arms. 

Guest arms:

Oooo and husband and wife arms.  Those are my favorite :D

They practically drip class.  Let me tell you, it's no chore to shoot gorgeous, stylish couples!

Especially ones who are giddy and wildly in love.

Definitley a fave "first kiss" picture! So sweeet!

Cloudy days make for killer black and whites. Nooo joke.

Okee. Now I am going to tell you about my favorite part of the wedding.  It was actually when Buddy gave a toast at the reception - a toast to his bride.

"I remember our first date.  It was wonderful and we had selfishly planned our second date before I had even taken her home."

"I watched her walk inside, then I started counting how many more days I had to wait until I could see her again."

"How much work did I have to do until I could be with Sarah? And you can be sure that I was so excited to see her for our second date."

"Every day I wake up and feel the same way.  I'm just as excited to see her - actually more."

"And now she's my wife.  I love you, Sarah. Cheers!"

Sarah and Buddy, I hope you are enjoying the sunshine and it was a joy being at your stunning, wonderful day :D