"i had a dream that I had to drive to madison
to deliver a painting for some silly reason
i took a wrong turn and ended up in michigan
a pallbearer aboard took me to the giant tire swing"
kim dawson
In October I received an e-mail from a woman, asking me to shoot her wedding. Sweet! So far, so normal. I'm used to that. "I'm sending you some pictures so you get a feel for us as a couple!" Wonderful. I ask for that on my website. Also normal! The pictures downloaded. There was a woman in a floral jacket with a horse head/mask on in a candy store. Picture number two: A man flailing between the teeth of a giant plastic shark (the kind outside of aquariums or inside SeaWorld where mom's take tourist photos and teenage boys stick their heads inside the mouth and think it's so so funny.) Ryan didn't just pop his head in and make a scary face... he is curled up inside the mouth of the shark. His whole body. There was another picture of him sitting on a giant pink hand... of her wearing a blue bicycle helmet... of them smiling in front of a rain forest. Just to be clear: not normal.
to deliver a painting for some silly reason
i took a wrong turn and ended up in michigan
a pallbearer aboard took me to the giant tire swing"
kim dawson
In October I received an e-mail from a woman, asking me to shoot her wedding. Sweet! So far, so normal. I'm used to that. "I'm sending you some pictures so you get a feel for us as a couple!" Wonderful. I ask for that on my website. Also normal! The pictures downloaded. There was a woman in a floral jacket with a horse head/mask on in a candy store. Picture number two: A man flailing between the teeth of a giant plastic shark (the kind outside of aquariums or inside SeaWorld where mom's take tourist photos and teenage boys stick their heads inside the mouth and think it's so so funny.) Ryan didn't just pop his head in and make a scary face... he is curled up inside the mouth of the shark. His whole body. There was another picture of him sitting on a giant pink hand... of her wearing a blue bicycle helmet... of them smiling in front of a rain forest. Just to be clear: not normal.
And I loved it. Our first coffee meet-up was over two hours long. They told me story after story. I heard about Cheerio-eating goats, cats named after royalty, monocles. My Little Pony, nerds, Facebook messaging, strawberry lemonade, and moving. It's rare to come across such fascinating, funny, real and quirky people. As soon as I was finished with the "meeting" I told Caleb that I was smitten with them. "They're incredible. They're hilarious. They're loud. They're just so much fun. I had so much fun."
So, enjoy this pair today. I don't feel like I can explain them well enough to do them justice. They're sweet. They're weird. They're genuine. Just... yes. Just enjoy their faces and love:
(Ah, yes. The Pity Head Pats. I've been victim to those one-too-many-times. "Poor little girl." Pat pat pat.)