Titus Turns One | Child Portraits

"how does someone so small 
hold my heart so tightly?
i don't even know you, 
and i love you completely."
jj heller -- i get to be the one
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Caleb's first boss was a man named Caleb.  Two good men.  Throughout dating I heard many stories about those early years of construction.  In a fun turn of events, both wives were pregnant with firstborn boys, due only days apart.  Titus made his debut a couple of weeks early, while Rowdy needed a couple of extra weeks all to himself ;)  On our last trip out to Oklahoma we made time to capture this great family after one whole year together.  

Titus is about twice Rowdy's size (when he was born he weighed nearly 10 pounds -- and remember: he was a couple of weeks early!).  Titus is a smiley, excitable, squish-ball of wonder.  He understands how nice sticks are, he loves the thrill in the pit of his stomach when he flies through the air, and he can crawl faster than army ants.  If he has even a bit of his father's kindness, or a stitch of his mother's sincerity, I think he's going to be an outstanding big person someday.  Happy Birthday!
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to book your own i'm kristen one-year or family session, 
especially in the maryland/virginia/dc, new york/boston, or oklahoma to dallas areas
(i'll also be traveling around southern california + the lake tahoe/nevada areas in coming months.)