and i heard you say
let's lose ourselves out here always
lost in this haze
let's lose ourselves out here always
lost in this haze
here in this place - goyte

I gave Claire little projects to do for me. "Let's get your dress out... do you know where your shoes are?... Do you have any special items you'd like photographed?" 

"My veil is my something borrowed. OH! And I need to show you the handkerchief my aunt gave me when I was born. It came with a poem. Oh my. I can't. You can read it. I can't read it. I'll.... cry." Claire turned away with glassy eyes and fluttery hands. 
I went outside to give all the ladies a little space and to snoop out a location for portraits. 

When I returned inside, I came into a heart-warming scene. All the emotions on edge, the life of friendships, the hum of a family beach house turned bridal suite, the little feet and dresses and dolls, the bigger feet, dresses and bride, laughter and teasing - everything settled around a TV in the living room. The bride's sister, Mary, had made a video for Claire. This video went all the way back to the beginning, and for ten minutes showed each and every girl in that room move from toddlerhood to kid-hood, to teenage years ("GAH! I took that picture! That's the first picture of you and Brad! You BABIES!"), to the present. "Not a single eye was dry." 

The guests were fascinating: a whole crew of beautiful, well-dressed, personality-FULL, funny people. I loved it. 

The east coast beach was ideal. 75 degrees, sunny with a slight breeze - happy weather. Claire watched the wedding day unfold. "What do I do now? Do I need to do anything?" Her friends ran in and out of bedrooms and bathrooms and stairwells promising her that everything was taken care of and that she only needed to relax. "I am relaxed! I don't have anything to do!" Her friends and family truly had taken care of everything.

You may or may not believe this, but within a few minutes of walking into the adorable beach home, I felt connected with all these strangers. I couldn't quite place my finger on it, but I had warm, bubbly feelings in my heart and a calm, lovely feeling in my head. I soon found out that all the bridesmaids were long time best-friends. I'm talking childhood friends. Toddlers, even. And their weren't three bridesmaids. The eight girls were like Loralie and Rory, or The Bennett Sisters. Their chemistry and roles were highly entertaining, comfortable and moving.
Little flower girl Veida wasn't just a cute addition to the day; she was a constant reminder of how quickly life moves. Someday she'll be the bride, and hopefully stand with her childhood friends. And not too long ago Claire was the little girl, playing dolls with her tiny pals.

"Remember when I was young, and so were you?"
Daddy and daughter reviewed their speeches while the very-loved bride went upstairs to touch up her make-up.
When it was time to help Claire get ready, everybody had to help. How else would it be done with these girls?!
Claire, well, Claire is a gem; a precious and rare spirit. In all her rowdy, sarcastic, quick-spoken, loud, colorful friends, she's the rock. She's quietly funny, she's happily supportive, she's as sweet as her eyes would indicate. She's much more beautiful than she knows she is, and her heart goes deep. One of her friends told me, quivering, that this day is so important for them all because Claire is really the best friend and she's the first one to get married.
Veida always joined in on cue. Life moves quickly. Little girls grow up.
And if little girls all grew up to be like Claire, this world would be a sweeter place.
Oh kids. I love you all.
You're a rare and stunning gorgeous, Claire. Seriously. Whoa.

I had to pull myself away from Claire to go meet the boys at The Ivy. I wasn't disappointed ;)
One of my friends and I love to remark on "nice eyes." We'll see people walking around and say "Ohhh. She had nice eyes. You can tell she's so lovely." Brad has nice eyes.
I don't know how as well, but this is his grooms cake, so he must have some sort of sense of humor and athletic-heart. Sounds like the perfect combination to me!

(How cool was the inside of The Ivy?! I'm dying to recreate a version of the dark-stained shelves with ALL white objects in my new house...)
When ceremony time arrived, everyone was in their place waiting for Claire to pull-up and exit the limo. Mom was ready to attach the veil.

The boys were all together and patient.
Veida was getting nervous, but certainly ready.
The guests were seated and looking fine.

The time had come.

One of my favorite ring-putting-on shots ever!
Congratulations you charming couple!
While the guests enjoyed cocktail hour, the wedding party hid out on the side of the building and rejoiced.
All the Visitation ("Go Visi!") girls!

Oh little one.

Brad and Claire have been friends for years. Their friends have been friends for years. They've loved each other for years. Their wedding was pure celebration, beauty and joy.

Ah, I love a good set of toasts :D

Still the best cake ever...
I'll take my dinners like this every night, please.

Congratulations, sweethearts. Go have so much fun together!