At long last love has arrived,
And I thank God I'm alive,
You're just too good to be true
And I thank God I'm alive,
You're just too good to be true
lauryn hill - can't take my eyes off you

Ashley was the new girl in the neighborhood. Loving her city-side apartment, Ashley was looking forward to meeting new people. Work was good, soccer was exciting and Ashley was happy.

One day, in direct objection to her regular schedule, Ashley took her lunch break at home. Why? Who knows. But she did.

Guess who lived above her. And guess who had been itching to meet her. And guess who was "sick" and home from work when Ashley unlocked then shut her apartment door. And guess who heard her rustling around right underneath him. Guess! Guess!

Yup. Kyle had noticed Ashley, and was pretty sure she was pretty cool.
It was the perfect chance to make his move.

Everyone loves "that" moment. You have it all planned it in your head, maybe have a conversation starter or two. You just have a feeling it's going to go smoothly.

As Ashley walked out of her apartment, Mr. Big+Sauve+Collected made his grand entrance.
By thumping and tripping down the stairs. (I think he secretly planned that. "I guess Ashley just *fell* for me!")

Ashley laughed, and probably felt bad for him. Or something.
Whatever had just happened worked, and he officially "caught Ashley's eye" too.

Soon after, she brought "all her neighbors cookies," which led to staying at a certain neighbors house to eat cookies and watch TV one night. One night turned into every night.

The best part of their day was coming home. They'd order pizza, put on sweats and wander to each others couch for an evening of talking, laughing and tv-ing. That casual "hang-out" time was the springboard to actually dating... and ladies + gentlemen, the rest is history.

When I met Ashley the first time, we talked for almost two hours - and I don't think I even pulled out my little "first time meeting a bride schpeal." I loved her. And goodness she made Kyle seem like great fun. She told me how much he made her laugh. How much they goof around. I couldn't wait to meet him and see them together.

Here's an idea of how they are together:
Ashley: Oh! I brought these apples. I thought they'd be a cute prop?
Kyle: Oh I'm hungry.
Ashley: Well, you can eat these after we use them.
Kyle: I want a steak.
Ashley: (laughs)
Kyle: (takes a bite of an apple) Mmmmm! Doesn't taste like steak.

The rest of the shoot was me tossing a joke-pitch to Kyle, Ashley covering-his-mouth/pulling-his-sleeve/giving-him-a-'stern'-face to make sure he didn't say anything "inappropriate." Next, he'd say his joke anyway, she'd laugh (and apologize to me), then he'd grin like a little boy on a school bus, and then kiss Ashley like a man.
"Kyle, Kristen likes us so far! We have to be nice! Don't blow it!" I loved them so far. And we had only just begun.

There was much laughing ahead. Much much much.

And kissing. Who can complain about that?!

After we fully nailed the country-barn location, we changed clothes (er, Ashley changed clothes and of course Kyle had a very witty joke about that) and locations.

We found ourselves wandering around historic Frederick, making quite a scene.

Let me know if you ever find two happier people. Ever.

"Kyle, are you showing off your muscles?"
"Mmmhhm. Kiss me."

I don't usually shoot in front of brick walls - I feel like it's kind of cheesy-typical-senior-portrait-y. But once they were up there, they just were working it! I didn't want them to move because they kept getting cuter and cuter!


And, oh sheesh, the jokes got better. Ashley's cheeks started to legit hurt.

While I was setting up this shot, Kyle screamed. And shrieked.
He ran like a girl, kicked up his feet, flailing his hands. Um. What?

He saw a bee, and he's - apparently - very allergic to bees. Swelling, no breathing, anaphylactic shock, epi-pen in five minutes, death... the whole nine yards. Ashley laughed, so I assumed he was being funny. He's so so funny. We assured him that he hadn't gotten stung. He was just fine.

"But I felt something guys!"
Turns out he had gotten stung, very small sting, very small swelling and he made it out just fine. And if we asked how he was doing he'd say "I'm not a punk, I can handle it." hahah

But the whole bee-incident was very telling. As soon as Ashley realized it was "real", she turned into "take care of my man" mode. It was very sweet. During the shoot, amidst all the jokes and laughing, Kyle took time to tell me about his necklace. Ashley gave it to him, and it's a compass. He told me - "not to be cheesy, but it's true" - that his life really had direction once Ashley came into it. He knows where he is going now. She's changed it all.

It's the moments of complete sincerity and romantic description, that make the hours of laughing even sweeter. These two are sincere, they are real and they are just incredibly happy together. I'm so glad Kyle tripped down those stairs that day. What a life he, literally, stumbled into.
I can't wait for your wedding! Enjoy the slideshow :D