Tighter and tighter,
I hold you tightly.
I hold you tightly.
more than slightly.
human hands - sondre lerche

I pulled into the driveway and saw a charming white and green house. White porch, white chairs on the porch, flowers in the yard. Walking inside, I entered a charming home. Brothers and sisters welcomed me in, dad pointed me up the stairs, and in mom's room the bride and her friends (and kitty) were all getting dressed.

There is something I love about meeting a bride in her house. Watching her prepare for her wedding in her house. How many times has she run through that door with her girly-girls and spent the night making memories? Or how many meals around that table? Or how many outfits tried on in that mirror?

It's surreal. A lovely little family in a lovely little house, but one day your baby girl walks down the stairs in a wedding gown, hours away from starting her very own family. I love being there for that.

Once the girls were ready, we wandered around the yard for pictures. The sun was broiling. The girls were freshly make-up-ed, in heels - the perfect time to complain, right? To make a big fuss?

Apparently not. The girls were wonderful. They asked for more pictures. They teased Bethany, they smiled big, they went wherever I asked. I loved it. Their priority was making Bethany's day as perfect as they could. That speaks volumes about them... but also about Bethany.

People don't bend over backwards for no reason. Clearly Bethany has been a friend worthy of such selfless care. She's been a sweet, gentle woman. One who really thrives when other people are happy.

Her demeanor and friendship with her family and friends remind me of Luke 17:10 where it says "We are unworthy servants, and have only done our duty." Bethany doesn't act "all that" or like she deserves the life she has been given. She doesn't get caught up in little issues, but can see big picture, long-term, end-goal.

I loved getting to know this sweet, calm, selfless girl.

Who, may I just add, is a BABE!

All the girls were, actually! They were such a beautiful, fun bridal party.

This is a fave :)

Bethany is also tiny. She is the shortest little thing and I LOVE IT. I could post so many more pictures of her, but I have to stop. We have other things to see...

Once I was done shooting, we all went to London Town - the lovely destination for all things regarding Matt and Bethany's wedding :D

While the boys were staying cool, and the girls were rocking their last minute touch-ups, I got to run around with the flower girl. I almost put her in my heart-shaped locket and I don't even have a heart-shaped locket. But I wanted one. She is SO cute!

She was't exactly a fan of her shoes ;) Someday, sweet girl, someday... you will adore shoes :D

Every bride knows that the last few minutes of waiting are the worst. Everyone keeps giving you updates. "The seats are filling up!" "It really looks great out there!" "Only five more minutes until you become a wife!" I'd be like "Shut up. I'm going now. Move." haha just kidding. I wouldn't. But those last minutes are hard. I caught the bridesmaids keeping Bethany "distracted." I don't know if she laughed, but it sure kept me entertained! I love you girls ;)

And finally, the time came. Like it always does. And it was just as dear, heart-racing and exciting as ever.

The colors! The happiness! The decor! The smiles! Very, very wonderful moment.

Cute :D

(On a side note, I have to say, the day was beautiful. But, wow, good night, it was hot. Not a cloud in the sky, and plenty of sunshine... but if they ceremony had been three minutes longer I might have had to peace out and go find a fan. Or ice skating rink. And that would have been totally unprofessional so I'm glad it ended when it done. Props to the guys in the jackets and pants- you did what I could not have done. You are men.)


Remember how Bethany is really short? Well Matt is REAL tall. Basically my favorite. I love big guys and tiny girls - especially when they kiss :D I just think it's adorable. ps. They are married now!!!

Wouldn't you think they had a stylist or something? The outfits and colors are phenomenal!

Wow. Hello gorgeous people.

We started by the water so we could get some of that fresh, salty breeze. Water + wife + husband always equals a good picture.

Husbands making wives laugh (even in harsh direct light. shush.) is always a happy picture :D

You two are beautiful. Your love is beautiful, your faith is beautiful. You have a fresh, content peace together.

The way you interact together really makes it seem like there is no where else you would rather be. Time slows down. Life is calm. It's just beautiful.

I didn't get the joke, but she did aaaaand that's all I care about! Bethany really isn't an over-the-top emotional girl. She has a very steadfast personality, so it made it extra cute when she giggled and fluttered with Matt. She adores you, Matt. It's so clear. You must be a really amazing man.


As we wrapped up pictures, I had to grab some shots of Historic Londowntowne and all the decor. Apparently, this area used to be a thriving city - filled with merchants of all kinds, courthouses and taverns. It was a pinnacle of trade between colonies and was just a bustling little town. But, in the late 1700's the town quieted down and practically disappeared from limelight. The area is small and quaint, and only a few historic buildings remain. This is one of them, built as a hotel/restaurant for travelers in 1760 its right on the wedding-venue property and I think it's stunning. I love the stories behind it!

The rest of the reception and area was quite stunning, too. I maybe have waaaay too many detail shots ;)

After food and feasting we all gathered inside for dancing. I always love the father-daughter dance. I think that might be the only time I cry at my wedding. As they started to dance, Bethany's dad hugged her and sang along. I caught Matt biting his lip, watching them together. It was adorable.

And then I noticed a little sniffle, and dad hug his sweetheart even tighter.

I love how proud of her he is. Look at his face. What a beaming daddy and precious girl!

And it will still be beautiful.