Today, in 1989, I was supposed to be born.
Ten days from today in 1991, I turned 2 (and was stiiiinking cute)

Today in this year, 
I was born ten days late, but probably worth every extra pain, sleepless night and additional pound, right mom? ;)
It was just a sign of things to come. My parents' definitley-not-what-they-had-planned pregnancy turned into a summer baby who didn't show up on time. I've pretty much been a not-so-into-planning, sunshine-lovin, late/behind, adding-pounds-thing ever since.
But I'm ok with that. And excited to turn 21. In ten days.
ps. Mom, I miss you and love you. pps. In case you missed it, my fam moved to Florida so they won't be with me on my birthday. And, I MISS THEM. Zee eende.