"I just want it to be love
Oooh. oh."
matt white - love
Oooh. oh."
matt white - love
Just so y'all know: This is Melissa. And she is THE greatest snuggler in the whole world.
So says George.
Oh, and this is George, too. He is he has a special "I love you" look that makes Melissa cry. Every.Single.Time.
Even though she hates it, George thinks Melissa is absolutely irresistible when she is angry.
Melissa thinks it is super attractive that George "doesn't try to be anything he is not. He's just himself."

When they lived in Texas, George loved to drive an hour each way to watch Melissa's indoor soccer games every week. And as soon as he left, he had to call her and let her know he missed her.

Melissa loves that George will wear "seersucker suits, pink, Crokies, Ray Bans, yellow bands, and bowties. His wardrobe is straight out of Southern Proper, as well are his manners." Melissa loves how George takes care of her. She loves his chivalrous, specific and gentlemanly affection.

George loves making jokes.
Melissa loves to be funny.
And George loves to laugh with her.
It's even better when his hand is in her hair and they are laughing.

The best is when they are laughing together while their IDIOT photographer has them laying in the street at forgets to check for cars and they almost get run over ;)

And while we were walking from location to location they bought candy from a little girl trying to raise money for new school uniforms at an underprivileged school. Her eyes lit up, she thanked them profusely and we continued our shoot.

It would have been so easy to walk right past her, especially in the middle of your ENGAGEMENT SHOOT. But these two love people. Melissa raves about how George would do anything for the people he loves, and George is amazed at Melissa's skill in becoming friends with anyone. They care about other people. I can't wait to see how much more they can do that as a married couple.

"Can you take a picture of her feet? Melissa loves feet."
"NO! I don't love FEET. I love your feet. Or when you touch my feet."
"I don't know where I found this one."
Smiles, foot-touching and snuggling followed.

In a world of speed and chaos, I'm so impressed by Melissa and George's easy, careful thoughtfulness. Their contract pages answering my questions were four pages long - and filled with details. Details about each other and their love. They care to note those things and care to remind each other of those things. So beautiful.

So, you two little lovebirds. Keep being best of friends, keep planning that wedding (that WILL make it onto Style Me Pretty) and keep partying through life, doing like you do.

I had a blast with you! And I'll see you at your wedding (and hopefully sooner!)