hmm...i like rainy days...

psalms are wonderful on rainy days (so are cheez-its, squishy pillows and driving the basketball carpool while singing "independance day")
"when i look at the work of Your fingers, what is man that You are mindful of him?" psalm 8:3-4
"praise the Lord from the earth...
mountains and all hills...
fruit trees and all cedars...
beasts and all livestock...
kings and young men...
maidens and old men and children!" psalm 148:7-12
"let everything that has breath praise the Lord!" psalm 150:6 "whatever the Lord pleases, He does, in heaven and on is He who makes the clouds rise...who makes lightning for the rain...who brings forth the wind..." psalm 135:6-7
"for a day in Your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere" psalm 84:10
i can't wait!

ps. "puhhht um up, puhhht um up! i'll fight 'cha on wun foooot."
who else loves the wizard of oz?" ladybug and and i do.
scarecrow: "well, now, that's getting personal"
tin man: "ya, why don't you get up and show him a lesson?"