She doesn't wear any wings....
She wears a smile
That makes you want to sing

Tashy needed Kyle's ipod while she was getting ready. Everyone was a little frazzled and a single hotel room was where 9 bridesmaids, mother of the bride and the bride were getting ready. It was very packed.
I went down the hall and grabbed the ipod.
"Please put on some Jack" Tashy asked.
I happily clickclicked the ipod to the "J's" promptly found "Jack Johnson" and then my little heart skipped a beat. 104 songs???? She has 104 Jack Johnson songs???
I knew that the day was going to be amazing right then and there :)

The grooms family is from Hawaii, and his mom did all the flowers and cake! She was amazing!
And the whole wedding had a very chill, island-y feel to it.
You know how I much I would hate a laid-back, beach wedding ;)

Looking niiiice!

I think pretty people flock together hahah The ladies looked just beautiful :D

There are no words.

Hello happy face!

But even such a calm, collected beauty can lose it moments before "the walk"

He cried :) :) :) :) eeeee! :) :)

This was adorable. When the pastor said "Tasheia, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband" she yelled "I do!" before the pastor could finish :) hahah EVERYone burst out laughing and it was so perfect.
The pastor was like "Great, I am glad! Now, lets finish! To have and to hold" etc

Woohoo! They did it!

A fun group shot:

Oh, the pure bliss :)

Sometimes my sister will hear really, really sweet songs and say to me "Kristen! Can you believe that someday someone is going to feel that way about YOU! It's so crazy!"
That picture above makes me think that - "Man, that is the way every girl should feel someday"


Ok, so, let me tell you... these Hawaiians can DANCE! Oh goodness, they were crazy!

First dance to "Angel" by Jack :)

Oh! And I thought the back of her dress was so elegant!

Congratulations you two! Your wedding was amazing!