
Kate has been on my blog many a time :D As senior, girlfriend, fiance' and today she appears as bride.

Yesterday I had the ridiculously fun job second-shooting for my bff, Lydia Jane. I love second shooting because you get to pay attention to little details. This post is going to be short, but I had to put up a few of the faves!

Here are a few of the flower-girls and a ringbearer.... quite impressed with the chocolate fountain!

Kate's grandfather worked, worked, worked so hard to cater the day - and he did an outstanding job! It was so sweet when he came out and gave her this big ol' hug :D

Hi pretty people!

Hey hey! It's Keara from two posts ago! She was a great little flower girl :)

Aw :) That's quite a moment in life. Quuuuite a moment.

A peaceful moment during the ceremony.

(Oh! Story! Ok. The pastor told this story during the ceremony, so I had to share.
Basically, when Ryan first starting liking Kate, he knew real quick that she was "the one." Everyone says that you do "just know" and he did. He told his family and friends. One night when Ryan, Kate and a group of friends were hanging out, even had a fake wedding where Ryan married Kate. He was being pretty obvious about his interest :D Kate was clueless, sure they were just friends. Anywho, they started dating and he told her that he was 98% sure that he was going to marry her. She was like "oh.oook.uh." and really didn't feel the same way. A few months later Kate and Ryan's mom where chatting and his mom asked where she stood. She grabbed a napkin and wrote 100% on it. On her next date she told Ryan just that - that she was 100% sure. He was so startled/excited that he just stopped driving. Right in the middle of the road! But now that napkin is framed and hanging in their house :D)
Do they get any happier???

Yet another adorable flowergirl - (who is Liz's cousin's kid... or something. Bethy. I missa you. And this is a little blog hello/love from me :D)


And a happy dance moment (in 2 pm Maryland sunshine :D - but we don't complain because it was an AMAZING day with great, great weather!)

Congratulations guys! I hope your day was all you dreamed of and that it only gets better and better :)
ps. This is Kate's younger brother. And he was my little buddy at the reception. There was lots and lots of dancing and when a certain song came on I was like "Ohkay, ok. I have to dance this one!" Well, he came up to me on the dance floor, held my hand and looked up at me and smiled. "Hi! I want to be with you. Will you dance with me" :D Too cute. We had a little adventure looking for the s'mores he was smelling (never found any) and getting stuck inside of sheds. Thanks for being awesome, kiddo!

And thanks, Lyd, for having me along! Muuuauh!