David Jay :D

I never blogged about the Free To Succeed Tour I was able to attend last month. Considering all the drama going on with DJ and Canada right now, I was freshly reminded that I should blog :D
(ps. I loved this - the hotel where the Tour was at made the signs wrong. Like, if you could pick just one word to define DJ's business philosophy, it would probably be "Free." Free up your life, don't be bound to our work, etc, etc aaaand they missed that one word haha That's ok :D )

I have shared this story before, but, I will say it again. Way back in the day, back when I was a sophomore in highschool, I stumbled across David Jay's website. The next few months were life-changing and career-determining. I honestly don't know if I would have done wedding photography if I hadn't seen Jessica Claire and David Jay's work. Once I saw their stuff, I knew I had to try. It was kind of daring, but I would kick myself if I didn't just try.

I haven't known anything besides DJ's "photography philosophy." The whole idea of giving, and helping each other, and supporting other photographers and being friends with your clients - all of it - has been pounded into me through his blog, videos and conversations. He has been such a friend, so encouraging and so caring about a little unknown photographer like me. I could rattle off time after time that he has blessed me. And I am willing to bet that almost every photographer who has interacted with him feels the same way. I don't feel looked down on, or like I am this little wannabe tagging along. I SO appreciate the genuine relationship DJ builds. I know that there are a few (75ish) upset photographers in Toronto, and I do feel bad that they paid and didn't see him, but if you look at the life of DJ, it's so clear that he is others focused.
Don't be disheartened, DJ :D You are doing a great job and are probably more kind than you should be! haha Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Ok. Now La Tour. My awesome friend Dre:

Another awesome friend, Peter: