I have a little goal for myself on this trip... I want to take pictures every day. Some days I'll take thousands and other's I will take only one on my cell-phone. BUT, I don't want this trip to fly by and then forget about everything I got to do! So, here are some little shots from the last two days....
It's actually been raining since I got here - er, drizzling. It's been damp, we'll say that. I don't mind at all - the air is still warm, everything smells fresh and it's SO pretty!
Today I went to see a great movie with Mimi and Poppy Walters... and since I'm a nerd I took some theater shots :D
If this was in Maryland, it just wouldn't be as cool ;)
hahah oh yum
I finished the night by having Morrocan chicken and garlic flat bread and re-watching LOST.
Life's good!