"Do you have lots planned this week?"
"How is your friend - oh, whats her name? Natalie! Yes. How is she?"
"So any boyfriend or anything?"
"I'm your biggest fan. Really, I am!"
That ^ right there was what all "Vendor/Bride meetings" should be like. Tiffany nailed it. Tiffany had seen my work, read my blog and "got" what my style and business are about.
I honestly love Tiffany, even though I've only seen her four days in my whole life.

But because our personalities clicked so well, we had a fabulous experience working together. I had full creative freedom, and she was comfortable having me there on her most important day. She wanted me to sit and relax and get something to drink while she was getting ready, and I had to insist on shooting.

(Ps. Are these shoes off the hook or what?! I want.)

Tiffany pulled me over into her clean Ritz-Carlton hotel room, and showed me her gifts from the night before. One aunt gave her pearl and diamond jewelry. Another, an old watch from a grandfather. One widowed aunt gave Tiffany her wedding band. Another gave her a "something blue" hankerchief with her family nickname "Stiffany" embroidered in it. And one aunt gave Tiffany a charred silver dollar, the only remains from a house fire that killed the aunts six children. The dollar was in the youngest child's piggy bank and is obviously a precious item for the family.
I got chills as a teary Tiffany laid out all her gifts for me. I loved the real, genuine friendship we had, and was so grateful she took the time to tell me about her life and how special these items were to her.

Tiffany has a contagious smile, a big personality and a gentle, loving heart. Not to sound like a greeting card, but it's true.

I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again, but this moment right before going down the aisle is one of my favorites ever in life.


And Ralph. Ohhh Ralph how perfect you are for Tiffany.
No joke, God knows what He's doing when He brings two people together!

Hey there hottie!

They are so fun :D Can't you hear the energy? Happiness overload!

We headed outside for some blazing hot (in both meanings of that phrase) pictures. It was insanely bright sunshine, but I'll take it over insanely dark night :D

Too cooool for schooool

Hello colors!

Tiffany and Ralph are definitley a great "fit." I love how much they laugh and smile. I love how un-awkward they are together. I love how comfortable, normal and just pleasant it is being with them.

A little drama never hurt anyone.... ;D

But let's get back to those happy, laughing faces asap.

"Secret secrets are no fun, unless you share with eeeeveryone!"
Or unless you can get a really good picture during the secret-telling. Then it's also fun :D

I love how classic this one is

Ready to get the party started! Poor couple had to wait in the limo for a few extra minutes since one of their vendors got lost! Sheesh. How annoying is that? ;D

No worries, though. The photographer eventually arrived (only 7 minutes later than planned) and grabbed some wedding party shots by the water!

And here are a few last reception shots of the happy day!
There are those award winning smiles :D

And this single lady became an engaged lady that evening! Tiffany's cousin got engaged during the reception! How fun :D If you need a photographer, you know who to call ;D

Ralph and Tiff, thank you for being so above-and-beyond wonderful to me! You made me feel like family and you made my work a joy. I hope you enjoy the beach and I can't wait to see you again soon :D Congrats!