you might fall down on your facebut don't be fall'n in loveas she's walkin' awayzac brown band - as she's walkin' awayCraig is a little on the shorter side.And Laura is a little on the beautiful side.They went to church at the same place, and Craig heard Laura's testimony. He was kind of hooked.But they hadn't spoken yet.He was chilling with his friends afterwards, and she started to walk their direction.Craig started to get mentally pumped. "Keep it together man."This was a big moment. His chance to introduce himself to beautiful Laura.
And in one boy-ish swoop, Craig's nearly 7-foot-tall friend, grabbed Craig by the ankles and dangled him in the air as Laura passed.He now likes to joke that he was "literally head over heels" when they met ;)Cute stuff.And clearly everything worked out just darling for the young boy and the cute girl Their three awesome kids are so well-behaved and did an excellent job as we ran around taking pictures.
I think this picture is a good intro to the slideshow song ;)So nifty how that worked out...