“Any time not spent on love is wasted.”
Torquato Tasso
Torquato Tasso

I'll never forget the effect Hannah and Mike had on me when I first met them for their engagement shoot. Maybe it was part timing in my life, but it certainly was also part them. Their "mushiness" wasn't annoying because something about they way they moved, talked and were together that was veritable. I noticed their friendship more than anything. It made me want to hang out with my husband, get back to him as soon as possible. It's easy (and I would argue even good, when thoughtfully done) to compare and contrast yourself to the people and couples around you. To feel like you have to prove something, to be affirmed outside about something inside, to tell others and yourself what you want life to be, not what it really is. The effect of Hannah and Mike, however, was one where you left not really thinking about them but about the person you love.

On August 9, our two year wedding anniversary, I brought Caleb with me to shoot Hannah and Mike's wedding. And we got to meet the reasons Hannah and Mike are who they are, and have what they have. I was so moved from start to finish. Hannah's sisters and best friends were draped on each other all day, and I caught a few of them on the back porch in tears, talking about all they loved about Hannah. The ceremony worship was loud and booming, the affection in their faces, the rejoicing and random outbursts of dancing, cheering and clapping was simply overwhelming (in the best way).

This wedding reminded me of videos of seen of old European celebrations. The bride and groom are paraded through the streets with live music and hollering! Townspeople close up shop and follow the parade in warm camaraderie! It's about the couple and sharing in their joy, but it's about where they came from and where they're going and everything they together are being built into. I felt the bonds of care and closeness between all these people, like I myself was a part of their heart.

Thank you both for your high-energy kindness, bold tenderness and happy love. I'm so glad you secretly crushed on each other for years and finally went to that diner to have a dinner that would change your lives. You will probably bring more hope and good to this world than you know -- because you probably impacted me far more than you know. And if it happened once, it'll likely happen again!

People feel like they lose something when they get married, but it doesn't have to be that way.
There is nothing more exciting than having a witness to your life
You know, everybody is not good at everything, it's okay to depend on someone -
it's actually what we are supposed to do, we are supposed to depend on each other.
And when you find the person that you trust and you love
and you feel is going to respect you, it feeds you.
It is the most powerful thing you can ever feel in your life."