the monkey on you're back is the latest trendi don't see what anyone can seein anyone else but you
the moldy peaches

Generosso Santucci, an Italian born twin who wears wrinkles and simplicity, has a chromatic, cherub-faced daughter named Christina Marie Santucci.

Generosso's daughter would not be the sort of girl you could sum up in a paragraph or two. To say she was "mysterious" would subconsciously give the impression that she is a hushed woman, who watches from the corner knowingly. Christina is precious. She is catching. Yes, mysterious. She isn't hushed, but she isn't noisy either. She's loud, but she isn't the center of attention.

Christina Marie is innocent, adorable and kind. Kindness was a theme on her wedding day. Every single person working the wedding was exceptionally kind. The family and friends? Oh, dear people. They were wonderful.

Father-of-the-bride Santucci reviewed plans on the bottom floor of the historic and detailed bed-and breakfast while the women prepared themselves.

It take a daring and understanding couple to
truly pull off a "unique wedding." As one who spent ten hours at this wedding, I can promise you: what you see is
them. The real, loveable, quirky "them."

The plans had been reviewed. And the bride, the daughter, was ready.

The wedding, in keeping with all Mediterranean-native celebration, started late... and started BIG. (Pay attention to this little fellow. I'm telling you, the personalities gathered together? Simply outrageous and hilarious.)

Ryan Maybush, the crying groom. His name describes him better than I ever could. If I were to write a fiction tale, with a character possessing all the qualities and oddities that our groom today has, I would name that character "Ryan Maybush." He's a good man, with much to say and even more to give.

The following ten seconds tell the story of Christina Marie and Mr. Maybush
1. They are announced husband and wife, and the music begins to play! They started recessing with joy when Hailey, the flower girl, ran from her pew and family and joined them. She almost seemed startled like she missed her cue (I mean, hey, if you were supposed to walk ahead of the bride down the aisle, why not up the aisle, too?)

2. The church erupted into amusement and pleasure at her action.

3. Hailey thought it was quite hilarious, too. Meanwhile, Mr. Maybush had something to retrieve.

4. Ah! His top hat and cane! Obviously! The ring bearer, following the lead, joined the bride, groom and flower girl for the recessional.

5. Now the church was in a roar over Ryan's ensemble... but look at the end of his cane. The delighted friend had no idea his cane was so near!

6. And she got quite a poke! She shrieked and jumped back, laughing. The crowd now gasped, the children were slightly worried.

7. The new husband instantly stopped the recessional to check on his stab-victim.

8. The guest was perfectly fine, and now The Maybushes could crack up. It was pretty funny!

9. Finally they were able to finish their recessional - in merriment!

So far you might have noticed fun and different elements to this wedding: the powder blue petticoat, the sister of the bride with hot-pink hair, the white gloves, top hat and cane, the colors. But I have yet to tell you about the single most distinctive part of this entire wedding. The next two pictures are a clue.

But for now, enjoy the Personality Display that was this wedding reception:

Lego table numbers!
Laughing, happy friends!

"Ice-Cream Sundae" Centerpieces! (made from hydrangeas and carnations!)

Greek statues!

Mashed Potatoes in Martini Glasses!
Cartoon Drawings!

Quaint, Home-y and Comfortable Venue!



Fresh Food!

I just wish there had been a
little bit more color ;)


Fist Pump!

Aaaand Monocles!

Blog readers, amidst all the fun, the interesting, the bright, please know this about Christina and Ryan: they are kind. Until shooting their portraits, I didn't think I could convey to you - you who weren't at this wedding, you who don't know the Maybushes - how patient, genuine and kind these two are. I could try to tell you. But I get to show you.

The truly beautiful and happy newlyweds walked and talked with me. So far it's pretty normal for a wedding, but nonetheless lovely!
Here is where Ryan and Christina inspire me. The children followed us around the entire time. The kids love The Maybushes. Their mothers would come over and ask "Do you want them to leave you alone?" or "Are they in the way? We'll take them somewhere else!" The newest husband and wife wouldn't have any of it. "No! They're having fun! Let them stay!" Many of my shots of a little brown head popping in the corner, or a little pink skirt blurred in the background. The kids darted around, touching and teasing and talking. And Christina and Ryan joined right in!

Watch out for the The Great Cane Thief!

I can honestly say this without exaggeration: Not many couples would tolerate noisy kids literally hanging off them on a hot summer day, let alone their wedding day. The children who adore Christina and Ryan were not just tolerated, they were absolutely engaged and welcomed. I was completely impressed.

The wedding coordinator was perfect for this event - like I said! Personalities everywhere! It was magical!

The award-winning
de Rochonnet Delights crew arrived after dinner to serve up extraordinary gelatto! I ADORE CHRISTINA AND RYAN!

To side-kick the cold sweet, homemade savory bacon donuts were served (similar flavor to pancakes with bacon.) Addicting.

My last shot of the night was the Mr. and Mrs. loving on the friendly house kitty.
I have never met any couple quite as playful, enthusiastic, caring and kind as you two. You've made a lasting impression and stand-out in my mind as a highlight of all the couples I've ever met. Thank you for being so bold in personality, so happy in love, so generous in giving and so wonderfully "you." Your dream was to have a fun wedding - no matter what, you wanted it to be fun. It was fantastically fun - the kind of fun where you lose track of time and don't want it to end. Congratulations!