Can you feel all the love,
Like it was made for you?
one republic
Like it was made for you?
one republic
They waited for me in Subway, and I saw them silhouetted in the window, side by side and as cuddly as two can be in a sandwich shop.
As soon as I came in, they straightened up and got their "we're about to interview a photographer" faces on. Jessica smiled and greeted me in her cotton purple dress, dark bangs and fun, bright lipstick. Alex sweetly said hello like all men who were raised in Wilmington, North Carolina were taught to.
We got our "meeting" started, and they told me how they met. Ready for this?
I promise you, I will never meet my husband at the gym. Unless there is a man on the treadmill blind-folded.
Then again, if a guy is working out blind-folded he is probably really weird and I wouldn't want to talk to him.
Anywho, I'm a gross little mess at the gym and avoid eye-contact with everyone.
But, apparently, this beauty named Jessica (who is also a make-up artist and wonderful nurse in DC!) looks hot at the gym. Because she instantly caught Alex's eye. And while he worked out his arms, he also worked up the courage to ask Lovely Gym Girl out.

"Ok, so, did you like her right away?" I asked.
Alex kind of rolled his eyes, cocked his head, looked at his fiancee' and stuck out his neck as he said "Ummm, YEAH!" It was kind of a "Psh, look at her! Of course I did!" moment.
Over the next years, Alex fell harder and harder for his beautiful girlfriend - as she wasn't only physically attractive, but also a woman with an attractive heart. Jess, as you can probably see, is SO smiley it's contagious. And her heart is twice the size of her smile.
She loves her man and she loves him hard. I really, really love how she doesn't talk poorly about it. In all our interactions and e-mails and her facebook status's, she doesn't ever mock or jokingly put Alex down. I really respect that.
And she dearly loves him.

Ps. Jess was very excited about their outfits. She texted me and said "Just wait till you see our cute little matchy-match formal outfit :) :)" I love getting texts like those - it shows me my couples are so excited do these shoots!

It's hard to properly photograph how SMILEY they were! Seriously people, be happy like them. Seriously, me, smile more. Ok, done.

And, psh, what's an engagement shoot without an outfit change?

Or some sunset cuddles?

Ooooo this was def a favorite of mine. Stop being so gorgeous! You are making the world jealous!

Siiiiiigh. I love you guys. I'm so happy you are getting married. And I'm so happy I get to be a part of it.
