yeah, i live for
little moments
like that
brad paisley - moments
There is a reason I shoot primarily shoot weddings, not models in studios. There is a reason I work with real, actual couples. Scott and Kristen's wedding was a heart-warming reminder of why.
"She was my boss - HA! - she still IS!" Scott told me, as he slapped the table and laughed, glancing over at his fiancee, hoping to have amused her, too.Kristen was indeed amused and showed it by giggling. "Yes, I was his boss. We met at a greenhouse and he was an employee under me."
Kristen is about five feet tall and can't possibly weigh more then a bag onions. Her petite little frame hosts her enormous heart. Kristen is so sweet. She was made to smile.This picture here is her talking on the phone with the florist (who had forgotten four boutonnieres and everyone realized it about 20 minutes before the ceremony.) She smiled, she took it in stride, she reassured the florist. "Well, girls! Let's figure something out!"
She's the type of girl that has the power to change your life. She's the friend that you could never replace. You will never come across another "Kristen." Once you meet her, you're done for. At least that is the tale Scott can tell. His life has never been the same since she waltzed her way in.
While the girls were all getting ready, they filled me in on Scott's behavior the last few days."Oh my gosh, Kristen Leigh, he is SO excited. He's been bouncin' off the walls. Right girls?"The girls confirmed that sentence."He's been nuts! He wakes up in the middle of the night with a countdown clock! He can't stop moovin' - he's just so excited! I've never seen him like this," the bride's country twang told.
Alright, if you are going to get me all excited about an adorably excited groom, it better be true. I had to see for myself.Scott and his boys literally danced out of the limo at Peerce's Landing, and Scott greeted me with a HUGE smile, hello and hug. "Isn't it beautiful today! Oh, ok, where should we go? What am I supposed to do? Ohhh my gooodness!" He rambled, he ranted, he paced, he smiled. Ladies and gentleman, forget "a brides glow" - we have some serious "groom glow" happening today.
Scott has been through a lot, and looks it. His eyes have history and his face tells a story. It's very striking when you meet him. He looks brave, capable and tough.But remember, he met Kristen.And this man was thoroughly changed. He couldn't help it. She does that to people.
While we waited for the ceremony to begin, he repeated to me exactly what the girls inside has said."I've been so excited. I am so excited. Driving over here my stomach was uuuuup here! and then dooooown here!" He'd shake off the jitters like a dog coming out of a summer lake, doing a little kick/hop/bounce the whole time. "I tell you what, I go to bed smiling, I wake up smiling. I'm so excited. I'm so excited."
Imagine how he felt when it really happened.His Kristen was in a gown, on a gorgeous evening, serenaded by the traditional Bridal March, swaying trees and little woodland creatures. And she was walking to him. Her Scott. It was SO excited.
Scott just couldn't contain himself.As I watched him I really felt like I was seeing a four year old boy, trying to be cool, also so unashamedly happy it just makes you happy to watch him. If he had a tail, it would have been wagging. If he had a light, it would have been blinking. If he had an alarm, it would have been sounding.
And little Miss Kristen was as stunning and happy as ever. She looked magnificent and also magnificently happy.
Bless his heart.

After everyone caught their breath from the splendid aisle-walk and hand-off, the ceremony of "little moments" began.
These faces are why I don't shoot models in studios.Look at her!She's holding his hand, listening to him, watching him, happy with him, marrying HIM.You can't make up emotion like that, or re-do moments like this.
All ceremony long they glanced and squirmed and smiled, perfectly happy. And filled with joy.(! soCUTE!)
And like *that* they were married :D And it was still quite exciting.
Now we begin a whole set of "little moments."

Throughout the rest of the day I almost starting writing things down because they were SO adorable. Usually wedding's have a few little stories that capture my eye and make my heart race, but tonight I had the King of Wedding Stories. I'll try to remember them all accurately, so you too can having a racing heart :D
First, we have Scott and the bouquet. He was really impressed with the bouquet.(I guess when you meet in a greenhouse, certain things become more special ;) haha)He looked at that thing from top to bottom, pointed out all the details of it, told and re-told Kristen how lovely it was. It was sweet how he took such an interest in it.
The sun was absolutely perfect, but fading fast, so we hustled over to the neighboring field to take some pictures.

As we walked, Scott LEAPed over to his bride, and walked on "the car side" of the road. Nothing was going to happen to his baby.
And while I shot these he couldn't stop talking."You see her?" he asked the Honda Accord zooming past, "she's MY wife!"Kristen giggled."Psh, yeah. That's my wife. You're my WIFE! Oh my... wow, we're married!"We went through the muck and the mire to grab some beautiful field light, but Kristen's shoes kept getting caught on her dress.
"Want me to carry you? I'll carry you. I'll carry my wife."
All the while, Kristen just entirely thrilled, stands by his side and smiles the way she was made to.
It was almost daunting to try to photograph them as cute as they are in person!

Their pure delight didn't stop.I send them off to set up for a shot, and before I even was "ready" they were laughing and laughing, and really just being happy together. 

I could shoot in this light for years, by the way. K. Thanks.

Ready for more moments?In taking this exact shot, Scott accidentally pulled Kristen's veil. She said a tiny "oh!" and tried to keep smiling for the picture.
Once Scott realized, he took veil-duty VERY seriously. He gently slid the comb back in, and then he arranged the trim "just so" on her shoulders.Kristen couldn't help but wrinkle her nose and quiet-giggle as if to say "He's just so cute. He's so sweet."
To avoid any more veil mishaps, I had them sit next to each other. I asked Scott to give her a quick kiss on her forehead. His reply?"Oh yes, I'd love to."He kissed her forehead."That's my favorite place to kiss her - you - " he paused and look right at her, and she smiled and locked eyes with him. "You know why? Because I'm taller then her and her forehead is the first place I can get. I love it."
Kristen and Scott, you two are marvelous. You really are. In the smitten-with-each-other meter, you two are among the elite that I've ever seen. I am seriously so happy that you both are so happy :D
Oooooh Scott. He may be smitten, but he hasn't lost his humor. He definitely specifically asked for this ;)
After the wonderful whirlwind of moments during their formals, we headed inside for a wonderful whirlwind of reception moments.Starting with the toasts!Scott grinned from ear-to-ear... and Kristen held his arm, watching everyone else enjoying themselves. It was terrific. 
Then we moved to Kristen's dance with her father. Earlier in the day she had told me how nervous he was about it. "He's a construction guy, ya know? Dancing isn't his thing. But he's gone along and taken lessons. He, his blue jeans and his two-step were ready. And Kristen was thrilled :D
As sweet as Kristen and her dad were, it was equally sweet to watch Scott watch them. I'm telling you, the man didn't stop smiling allllllll day.
Every time she fell I caught her.That's my daughter
I lost every time I fought her.
Yea, I lost every time.
Every time she blinks
she strikes somebody blind.
Everything she thinks
blows her tiny mind.
That's my daughter
I thought I couldn't handle any more. 
But then dinner happened.And all the boys mysteriously ran off!I followed, mostly out of curiosity. I found them all getting changed into "dance outfits" with matching patent-leather chucks. All Scott's idea to surprise his guests and wife. And he was, of course, SO excited.
Kristen had no idea where they had gone, but happily entertained friends as she waited.
Finally Scott ran back, unashamedly smiling."Do you see my new outfit?! Do you like it?! We all have it! And look!"
"SHOES!"He was so excited. I've said it once and I just have to say it again.
Kristen was charmed with the boys little idea, and giggled to let Scott know.
When Scott took her hand, he noticed the rings. Together. Symbolizing their "together-ness" before God and this world.
And it made them both very happen to see. They just love being together :D

Alright, I have to wrap this up at some point. So the cake-cutting is as good a place as any. Here we have Boss Kristen instructing Scott to "NOT SMASH THE CAKE."
It tickled his funny bone. And she giggled.
Like, it really made them laugh! hahah It was so cute!
But after a clean and smash-free cake-feeding, they kissed. A happy kiss, prefaced with laughing, and followed by laughing. I can't thing of a sweeter way to end the night :D
Congratulations you excited, happy little lovebirds! Don't have too much fun on your honeymoon!