"When I am an old man, I will wear plaid trousers,
Let my shirt tail hang out on one side on Tuesdays,
I think I'll have more fun
Saying what I think, being who I am,
When I am an old man, wearing plaid"robert mcwilliam
This fall/winter I have a goal to partner with other artists/vendors to do personal/fun shoots for me, but that can advertise/recommend their work to you/blog-readers! Slash/Slanted-line.
Today I'm so honored to show-off some pieces from Seth Remsnyder.I LOVE this art. LOVE.CAPITAL LETTERS.
Seth's work is brilliant - colorful, thoughtful and very, very practical for many houses, bedrooms, offices, studios and the like. I love how so many different kinds of "style" could work with Seth's pieces.
Gotta admit, a custom plaid would be SUCH a fun idea for bridesmaids gifts! Maybe a 6x6 in your wedding colors? Or maybe you could have one made in your brand colors for a studio? Or maybe you could have one made for your man with the colors of his favorite sports team? Everyone, the options are endless. But, without further ado: ze peectures.
I wanted to try to create a personal shoot for each piece. They each "feel" so different to me, so I wanted to take the time to make the shoot be me, but also represent Seth's work.
These first two make me feel like summer. Maybe it's because I'm already nostalgic and missing it, or maybe it's the bright, smiling colors that are always the shades of summer sky and summer grass and summer strawberries.
These plaids remind me of my last summer as a teenager. Young, but on the brink of something big.
Still SO a care-free child, but about to enter a complex world of responsibility.
But who said responsibility is bad? Growing-up is hard, but it's also fun. It's pleasant, lovely and new.
And that is exactly where my mind goes when I look at these particular pieces. But maybe it tells you a different story? :D Oh, art art. It's just too fun.
These next two are custom squares Seth made for me! I hate them.Not.I LOVE THEM.
They remind me of when I went to New York for PhotoPlus when I was 18.
I had finished school, I had interned in Chicago, I was starting my business, and PhotoPlus was my first photography-event. That week in New York was a cloudy, fall week. I felt in over my head, but also loved every moment. I felt so young, but I felt so excited to be "big," to be there!
The grey reminds me of the tall buildings in the dreary skyline.The teal reminds me of Tiffany's - all things glamourous + grown-up (especially in New York City!)The pink reminds me of bubble-gum. And my favorite Barbie princess dress.The perfect cross of being little and being an adult.
In New York, Lydia Jane, Sarah Barlow, Natalie + I dressed up, met "big names," did photoshoots, ate, shopped, talked photo-jargon and had a ball. 
These plaids flood my mind with those memories. (ps. Um, can we all give a round of applause to my lovely model. Rachel, who has never modeled before, pretty much is gorgeous. I wanted to shoot her for two more hours. Twice.)
The next plaid is another favorite.It's, to me, the beach plaid. 
Gorgeous blue, stunning boldness, a hint of yellow sand. It makes me think of a hot sunny day, with rows of hotels and nasty little shops lined up along the shoreline.
It reminds me of waking up with sunburn, salty wavy hair and a day full of possibilities. And swirly lollipops.
It's booking a room at a discount hotel with all your friends, and splitting it five-ways and saying "Next time let's try to stay and so-and-so's parents house for cheaper." It's laughing, it's sand in the bathroom (and the car. and your belly-button.)
It's the long highway drive, it's beach towels, it's losing your sunglasses. It's the beach!

Aaaand now we head back outside for my favorite one.(ps. again. Rachel. Next time you come, can you try to look decent? Jeez, Look what you give me to work with. JOKE! You are SO BEAUTIFUL!)
Theeeees one is my absolute favorite. Seth + his wife call it Big Bird. I call it Wonderful Bird.

I don't know exactly what story it tells me, but it just makes me happy to look at it.

Light and gentle, subtle and happy, clear and fresh.Those words come to mind. 
That plaid just has an ease about it that I can't get over. I adore it.

And let's end with a little goofin' around, yeah?Yeah, I thought so.

Thank you Seth for your custom plaid art and for letting me use your peices!You do amazing work! Everyone, check it out and get in touch with Seth!
Rachel, thank you for being wonderful + lovely. Ashley, thanks for being the accidental assistant.
"Speeech! Spppeeech! SPEECH!"
I'm done. I hope you enjoyed yourself.