close your brown eyesand lay down next to meclose your eyesthere goes your fear again - doves
"Ok, this is the not romantic part. Don't blog this. We met online. AND DON'T JUDGE ME! I know what you are thinking. I thought it to. Of myself. But, I'm getting married. So. And I love him."
Brittany is... well... a firecracker. A talkative, energetic, loud, spicy, emotional, hysterical little fiesta of a girl. She loves to bake (and has a wonderfully entertaining blog you should check out), she loves to eat, she loves to chill, she loves to write, and she loves to be in love with Justin.
Eeeeeven though they met online.

When I first met Brittany + her mom, I got to hear Brittany tell me about her relationship.Her Mr. Stud Police Officer fiance' "is her rock" Brittany's mom explained. "He calms her down. But doesn't make her dull." I heard about their first date, their proposal and their plans for the future - all through Brittany's laughs, shrieks, hand motions, tangents, sighs and smiles.
After meetings like that, it's hard to wait for engagement sessions where I can see them both together.
But it was worth the wait. These two are just what every couple should be.
I LOVE when couples are clearly "into" each other (duh.) but also not sooOOoo mushy-gushy that you feel like it's just infatuation. I don't know if that makes sense, but it does in my head.

I just love when couples are very affectionate, but also very comfortable and normal.I loved how they were clearly best friends. Easy friends. But completely in love friends.(By the way, cute moment. I asked "So, tell me about your first kiss." Brittany announced "Oh, it was hot." Justin smiled at her and then nodded at me in approval. I heart them!)

Justin definitely is that calming, manly, strong presence Brittany and her mom told me about, and he definitely does not dull her. He refines her. And they just have the most and best kinds of fun together :D
Oh, hey now. Hold on. Don't be TOO attractive, alright? Easy now.

Somewhere around this time they started using their "voices." I love couples "voices."Some movie character, some made-up character, some person they came across... The voices come from all around, but any quite cute couple has voices. 
I love their first date story. It was ten hours long, and Justin thought it just went WONDERfully. He was thrilled.Brittany thought he was too nice. "Alright, you can cut it out now. Stop being so nice."Justin wasn't really sure what to say. 
As we walked through the town, and Brittany held her diamond-crowned hand in his and told me "Kristen, he's really that nice. I can't believe it." God gave this girl the most solid, dependable, sweet man to be her husband. It's just the dearest thing ever. 
You both made my day, and I'm in love with you as a couple. I canNOT wait for your wedding. I'm glad online dating sites exist. Because I'm glad you two get to be together forever. 
And thank you for lunch. And the banana-bread.And the stories.
I love you guys!