"The moon and the stars can follow the car
and then when we get to the ocean
We gonna take a boat to the end of the world
All the way to the end of the world.
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby"
you + me dave matthews band
The boys ran around outside trying to hang the paper lanterns while Beth and her girls RUSHed to get ready. Things were just a tad behind schedule, but after all those years of waiting, Beth wasn't flustered.
In the little wooden room yellow fabric flashed about while the bridesmaids sprayed perfume, deodorant - oops! that wasn't deodorant! Has anyone seen the little pink bag with deodorant?! - hairspray. They affixed pins, attached a veil, clipped clasps around ankles, fluffed hair and rosied cheeks.
In the the crazy, Beth laughed.
I soon learned about Beth's story in relationship to Michael. The story of their relationship, one could say :D
They were "friends" in highschool, but you know how highschoolers are ;) Sparks didn't fly, but Beth always had a secret thing for this incredibly nice, ambitious Michael Lyons.
A bit later they reconnected and, as they say, the rest is history.But falling in love proved to be a sacrifice - as all meaningful love includes.They had both come to a point in life where they wanted to head a certain direction. Michael hoped to be a lawyer in the Army JAG Corps, while Beth wanted to attend grad school.
They decided to both go for it, and see whose "situation" worked out first, and whichever it was, they would do. Now, let me pause. After almost 8 years of "being together" I love that they are both so supportive of the other's dreams. Very precious.
Resume.As it turns out, they both got accepted to their dream "situations" at the same time. Now they just had to pick one. With the woman he loves by his side, they, together (cue Dave Matthews Band "you and me, together, we can do aaAanything, BAbyyy...") decided to pursue Michael's JAG world.
Michael, by the way, is TOO nice. Usually when I hang out with the groomsmen they all joke, tease and act, well, like guys. And Michael's groomsmen were no exception. And neither was Michael. But it almost felt wrong when Michael teased because it just SO wasn't "like" him! Out-going, friendly, sincere, humble... He is a quality guy. No wonder Beth could be so excited to join him on this ride.
So, on a peaceful Monday in the heart of October, they gathered with family and friends to officially become husband and wife.So they can be together forever AND so they can leave for Japan together now. Craziness!
I love Shade Tree and Evergreens and have shot there MANY times before. One of the best parts is how different it can look with slightly different decor. And slightly different but still cute pint-sized guests :D

A teary entrance:
A magical land:
Heart-racing faces:
Committed contentment:
Basically, it was a wonderful wedding. But now we need some pictures of the couple. Sweet. Let's go.
I love groomsman's face on the right. hahah So middle school ;)
This picture, ladies and gentleman, was completely dangerous. And once I had them all out there I was like "UM. What am I doing?!" But they were so cooperative and no one fell in, even though the dock was...sinking?... and the water was inches from everyone haha
Mmmm. Delicious.

I love these so much. This is when they first started telling me "their story" and their body-language while telling it was just so smitten, so supportive.
(Me note: I love the colors they chose! Light yellow and grey? Oh gracious. Perfection.)
I don't think I've ever shot in rows of Christmas trees before. I might need to do that more often.

Sooo romantic :D :D
These are such "communicating" pictures to me.I'm with you.I love you.This is it, here we go.Together.
I'll protect you.I'm so glad you are mine.I love you.
I could have shot until my camera broke, but they did have some friends and family to celebrate with...

So we celebrated :D

Gotta love a good solid toast written on Wal-Mart receipts :D
But more then that, you gotta love husbands and wives, kissing, with their favorite people all around beside them. Congratulations Mr. + Mrs. Lyons! Enjoy your adventure, together!