And after getting stuck in a VERY creepy parking garage
(turns out I had somehow mananged to park myself in the Valet Parkers garage.
I was ready to see sweet Betsy on her wedding day.

but I was smitten with her taste from the get-go.
Especially her + Evan's desire to have a "fun, different and authentic wedding.
We want to to feel real to us as individuals and as a couple."
Sold. Signed, sealed, delivered... I'm yours ;)

Still so sweet.
But oh-so-nervous.

Or my future!
Nothing could be better then marrying Evan.
It's just all this that makes me nervous!"
she said, as she pointed at her dress, hair and hotel room.

trying to take Betsy's mind off her nerves.
"Look! You can see your summer camp right down there!"

TV and magazines for the eyes,
and band-aids for those dang heels ;)

so I headed down a few doors to check on the boys.

someone yelled "Hey! Evan! It's for you!
It's Betsy."

Hey... oh?
Right now?
If you want to! Yes. Sure.
Right now."

The original plan was to do a First Look at Glen Echo.
But she needed her comfort and rock.
And she needed it now.

Not sad or bothered.
Very confident, very sweet... just dying to see her man.

I asked her if she wanted me to find somewhere to go in the hotel with better light,
or more character then the elevator entrance of the tenth floor.
"No, that's okay! This is us, I guess. And this will just be the story of how it happened!
On our wedding day, I saw him in the hotel hallway!
Because I just couldn't wait!"

I'm a bride.
And you're a groom.
But it's the same.
We're normal, right?

but it was the hugest sigh of relief for Betsy.

Which was probably good.
Betsy got to sit in a cool, air-conditioned room and talk with her family.
And be photographed by me.
Because she is ridiculously attractive.

"This is all a bit ridiculous!
You go through months of planning,
and working on this event... and then it comes...
and you can't even go to the bathroom by yourself!"
Betsy had a giddy little moment of "gaining perspective" and her mom cracked up.
"You are one of us!"

at my favoritefavorite Glen Echo Park.
(Did I mention Glen Echo is my favorite?)

If you get married at Glen Echo, you just have to be a fun couple.
Or at least interesting.
With fun friends and family, to boot.

At least that's my theory... and so far I'm 5 for 5?

And look! This couple was so nice!
As their guests walked up, they were offered a refreshing glass of water or lemonade.

Combined with the colors, murmur of the lively guests and the sweet emotion,
it really was perfection.

And replaced with smile after smile after smile.

Some were serious, some were funny,
but all were heartfelt and personal.

Eh, they're alright ;)

But... marriage time!

They're married.
She her funny, confident comforter,
and he to his spontaneous, compassionate adventurer.

I've always wanted to do the same,
and these little people were just SUCH a hoot!

They were friends.
That was about it.
I mean, don't get me wrong... they were good friends!
Great friends, even!
But not in "that" sort of way.

"He was the kind of friend you confide in,
trust everything with,
and the kind of friend if you ever let yourself admit it
might be more then just a friend."

They were the kind of friends that made a pact with each other
"If we aren't married by _____ age, we'll marry each other."

"I love that you really think."
He loved how she enjoyed cooking and chilling on the beach,
She was compassionate and truly dear to him.

how he made them feel comfortable and instantly like a friend.
She loved his loyalty and confidence,
humor and smarts.

Evan was in an OldTime Photobooth proposing to his best friend,

Their wedding was exactly what they wanted it to be.

So very special.
So very "them."

all my faults and failures,
strengths and accomplishments.
We're in this together and I love you for you."

(Haha this made me laugh. Starts young... ;)

The maid of honor gave on of the best toasts I've ever heard.
The room was in tears.
The best man gave one of the funniest toasts I've ever heard.
The room was roaring.

Celebrated where they had come from,
celebrated this very moment of this very day,
and celebrated what was to come for Evan and Betsy.

I'd toast to that, too ;)
Congratulations newlyweds!
Enjoy living in sunny CA and tell it "hello!" for me!