'cause you've got personality!
walk with personality, talk with personality!
smile with personality, charm with personality!
love with personality! 'cause you got a great big heart
lloyd price | personality
Meet Audrey.
24-months young, she tips the scales at barely 22 pounds. And she likes to "go-go-go shoppiiing" and "go get stuff at Michael's" (the craft store), sing her ABC's to try to distract her mom from putting her down for a nap ("ELMOENOPEEE! DUBUE EX! WHY! ANZY!") and she always wants to help (help stir food on the stove, help my baby in my belly feel better [even though I don't have a baby in my belly], and help make your hair not be "eeeew! yuuucky!")
This child is extraordinary; that is, she is "unusually great." She the daughter of close friends and she lives about 60 seconds from my house. It's a sad day when there is no Audrey around. It just doesn't feel quite right. Everyone thinks their kid is smart and has an above-average personality, but this ain't my kid ;) And she IS so smart. And DOES have an above average personality.
Just check out some of these faces:

Accessories are the reason for the season in Audrey's world. Shoes, jewelry, sparkles, undergarments, "mock-sins" (moccasins) are her girly-girl treasures. 

These make me laugh. I picture her talking in Dug the Talking Dog from Up voice: "Ooooh shucks. Just shtop it. Seriously. Ooooh my."

We all love her. What a blessing. What a joy. What happiness put into our adult lives. She cracks us up just by walking - because it's SO cuuuute! She snuggles up on your shoulders and dives in for a bear hug where she squeezes so tight it makes your soul just dissolve.

Little Ham Chop. What a goober.
One of our favorite Audrey-isms is how she collects and hoards little things like coins, cranberries, candy, crayons. After she leaves we'll find little stashes hidden around where she left her loot. Often she'll try to specifically put the coins in her pockets. Then she'll stand up and, to her dismay, the money will come bounding out of her pants holes and she drop to all fours, scrambling to gather her change back up. Oh it's precious.

"Eeeeew! Piggle! Eeeew!"Audrey spotted our daily visitor, Piggle the Squirrel. He's an obese rodent. And looks like a rat. 

By the end there was yawning and "Hold you, Titi? Hold you?" and shivers, so we decided to be all done. Who can resist a little girl with knots on her head and bows on her feet asking to go inside? Not I said the fly.

How fun it is to be a part of a little life. She is so good for us all.
Happy birthday sweet girl!