Enjoy Pinterest | Prints + Images

I don't think my favorite blog posts on other people's blogs are the "Here are some of my Pinterest pins!" posts.  I'm kind of like "Well, if I wanted to know what is on your Pinterest, I'd look there."  So I don't know why I'm posting this Pinterest post?  I'M A HYPOCRITE? Okay?  ;)
kris atomic
I actually feel bloody attractive in my giant-to-my-knees-hoodie and giant-past-my-knees-basketball-shorts.  Especially if I haven't shaved in a bit!
busy bee lauren
felt & wire shop
marta writes

penguin delight
Not to go all rambly about money and careers, but gracious is this true.  I'm learning to love those things in life that cost nearly nothing.  We recently took the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace course.  Our biggest "change" in lifestyle is the way we spend, especially on food.  Caleb and I don't live together, but practically every night after work, a shower and a change of clothes, he comes over to my house for dinner.  Our goal is about $1.75 per meal per person, making the monthly food budget $150 (each).  It's so much fun to try to meet this goal.  I think the process is even more fun than the results!  It makes eating out a huge treat; one that we feel like we've really earned and are ever-so-blessed by.  It's not for everyone, but it's helped to enjoy simplicity and not be as fearful about "will we be able to afford next month?"
kitschy living 
Last exciting randomness of the day? I'm Kristen the Facebook Page has 1,000 likes!  That was a nice little milestone to realize yesterday :D  Ah, the simple things. Hannah Kurtz, you made my day!
Now to the rest of you? No Pinterest posts, okay? ;)  Juuuust kidding.