"we ate well and cheaply,
and drank well and cheaply,
... and loved each other."
ernest hemingway | a moveable feast

(I think I need this for our new "married" house, come August. It's exactly what I hope our marriage will be.)

and drank well and cheaply,
... and loved each other."
ernest hemingway | a moveable feast

For our one year anniversary last month I finally became an official girlfriend/fiance'. I made a memory book. Everyone knows that the sign of true love is a memory book. And homemade gift certificates (for things like back rubs, long hugs, homemade meals and "one-watch-whatever-movie-you-want!") But we did gift certificates aaaaaages ago. One Year of Together seemed liked the perfect time for this book!
The cover was all cool and trendy and modern and "whoa" with our first yellow-pink plastic spoon combo. The first time we got frozen yogurt we used these spoons. It's tradition now!

Then I had to do a collage. Because. Doing 213 of them in middle school just wasn't enough.
This page is from December 2010! How has it gone so quickly?

I can't wait to tell this part of the story...
And this part of the story!
I can't wait to use this idea again! Wrapping presents in pages from travel magazines? Uuuh, so fun.

CalebCaleb loved it. Now we can really get married ;)

CalebCaleb loved it. Now we can really get married ;)
The next three pictures are just for the joy of food. Go make Smitten Kitchen's Roasted Buttermilk Chicken. And then eat it on your deck. Or sidewalk. Or roof. Or at least near a window. It's the good life.
Last month I made mini-cheesecakes. I asked Caleb to put the berries on top. I was expecting maybe a strawberry on one, three black berries on another, something like that? Or art. My little Cheescake Angel. Bless his heart.

Lastly, a sweet lady named Lori e-mailed a picture of her gorgeous daughter with the cinnamon pull-apart bread I made in March. (Remember how neat and orderly I was?) Lori's e-mail made my day! And I couldn't help but show you all, too!
So I guess this post can really be all tied together with the above pin: "We ate well and cheaply, and drank well and cheaply... and loved each other." Such a good life.