i've never been quite as happy as i am.
me & mr. cassidy - as happy as i am

All seasons, not just the Christmas one, should have carols. Those festive songs, made for jubilant connection and noisy celebration. Her name was no mistake, she's a living carol - a human version of elated song.
Irene Carol has been dancing and prancing, laughing and quaking, feeling and giving since she was born. Her twinkly almond eyes could inspire paintings, and her spontaneous, full-body, arched, boom laugh could be sold in bottles. She'd make millions. And when this songbird of a lady planned a wedding day, it could only have gone one way: marvelously. Not just a nice spring day, but a
perfect spring extravaganza. Not just cute, but sensational. Not just emotional, but unrestrained and ardent. It was a day where all the birds were heard, all the smells were enjoyed, all the colors were vibrant and all the hearts swelled.
β...she had that something which fires the imagination, that could stop one's breath for a moment by a look or gesture that somehow revealed the meaning in common things.
She had only to stand in the orchard, to put her hand on a little crab tree and look up at the apples, to make you feel the goodness of planting and tending and harvesting at last.
All the strong things of her heart came out in her body, that had been so tireless in serving generous emotions. She was a rich mine of life, like the founders of early races.β (willa cather)

Ica, and her whimsical fashion-sense and chatty brain, met Tim on a blind date six years ago. They were young munches. And they played long and hard, and laughed even more than usual. Tim goofed up on his great "pick-up line" and the chapter started, there was a beginning of "them." The guitar-playing, energetic, prayer boy had to be with this girl, whose Facebook profile pictures were full of animal print, scrunched noses, confetti, sunsets, beach trips, so.many.friends and that iconic smile.

Their love is a tested one. It nearly slipped between their fingers, and was gone forever. But they fought. And they waited. And they chose respect and patience over every other strong emotion in their chests and heads and way into their toes and souls. They could have said "Forget this! We want to be together, and we WILL BE." They could have pushed and forced. But they trusted a Love bigger their own, and knew He was good - yes,
very good. Smiles had to be forced sometimes, and colors were muted, but there was joy. And peace. They prayed and wondered and hoped there would be a day - someday - in their future where they could marry. Where they could be brought together, in one union, with one name. Six years. Six years. Happy singing! It led them here:

The bay water wasn't thumping, and birds weren't chirping or rustling. Blue skies - extra saturated - because, well, color is in their blood and souls. A heated wind carefully puffed the hungry, crispy, long grass. But it remained respectful and hushed. It was as if nature understood the holiness of the moment, and tearily - with baited breath and grinning, smashed lips - was soaking in the moment itself. The distinct lack of white noise was perfect. Just the clip-clop of Ica's t-straps, the deep, deep sighs coming from either end of the path and an occasional squeak and sniff from the bride.

And then...

... comedic timing took over ;) The grass snarled with Ica's veil and she broke the eerie silence with roars and "Of COURSE"'s and gasps as she tried to catch her breath. Tim was dying to turn his back and rush to her. He swayed and joined in her laughter, even though he didn't know what was happening. I paused taking pictures for a moment to enter into the scene and untangle the tulle. She eventually continued on her way, laughing and shaking her head at herself. It couldn't have been greater.

The jesting and frivolity that easily bonded them, and the strength and depth, that proved to keep them, was all wrapped into that those few minutes. Like a trailer of their entire relationship. They prayed and partied. It was the single
best first look I've ever witnessed.
I couldn't stand it if you kids were inconsiderate, or thought of her as if she were just somebody who looked after you.
You see I was very much in love with your mother, and I know there's nobody like her...β (willa cather)

Before the wedding Becca predicted that there would be "lots of tears - in a good way." After the wedding Lydia and I agreed that it was one of, if not THE most, teary ceremonies we'd ever been to. During Tim's vows even the groomsmen were losing it. They prayed together at their first look, prayed together during their ceremony, and ran down the aisle, with cheers and hoorays!, to a quiet moment behind the barn so they could pray. But don't think so much spiritual discipline in action meant for blah or overly-somber. Oh no.

This wedding was as vivacious and passionate as weddings get - and it don't hurt that they have spicy, bright, outspoken, sassy friends ;)

Though I love to write, and am convinced that beautiful writing can enhance a visual story, I sometimes think my words will only hinder the intensity and happy the couple themselves declare. Maybe that's my creative way of saying: I just don't have words to explain the hope and delight and celebration I saw in the eyes and faces of this new husband and wife. You'll just have to go back and look at them again. If you can't see it - if you don't see what I see - then I probably couldn't describe it any better. But in a word, they were in

Mr. and Mrs. Remo, you're near to my heart and this wedding was the answer to truly thousands of prayers. How sweet it is to experience these days of life? The "yes's!" from God! The feasting and the beautiful days! The "heaven" days - the ones who anticipate and look forward to and await quite eagerly. You're incredible and will not be leaving this earth unmarked or unloved. It was a good thing that the Lord brought a Living Carol and a Excited Schoolteacher together... go enjoy singing your life song <3>3>
ps. I shot this wedding seven months pregnant - which I'm pretty proud about - but I'd be a jerk to not thank Ellie for second-shooting, Lydia for keeping me fed, and Caleb Husband Love Dude Man for doing just about everything else (driving, bag-carrying, battery hunting, and foot-and-ankle-rubbing for the next three days.)